Ramadan in Art and Literature
Ramadan in Art and Literature: From Ramazaniye to Ramy The observance of Ramadan marks a significant time in the calendars of Muslims around the world who welcome it as a month of increased worship and
Ramadan in Art and Literature: From Ramazaniye to Ramy The observance of Ramadan marks a significant time in the calendars of Muslims around the world who welcome it as a month of increased worship and
“In one creative thought a thousand forgotten nights of love revive, filling it with sublimity and exaltation. And those who come together in the night and are entwined in rocking delight do an earnest
The latest episode of world affairs has divided a complex world into a simplistic Manichean binary. On one side stand a party that poses as vanguards of freedom; and on the other side stands the
We sat down with author, translator and editor Abdussabur Kirke to discuss fiction, storytelling and the art of writing. HIKAAYAT: You’ve recently published Aydin – a novel. Tell us about your journey as a
Every reader is constantly on the hunt for ‘one more’ book that will provide the best experience- that “bookish high”. However, there is a common feature in every written work, including this one, that when