Koketso Omar Masombuka

About Koketso Omar Masombuka

Koketso Omar Masombuka is an essayist born and bred in South Africa's administrative capital - Pretoria. He is interested in using history, psychology and Sufism to better illuminate contemporary issues. 

A Crack in Civilisation: The Splitting of the Inward and the Outward

By |2022-02-16T07:24:52+02:00February 16th, 2022|Categories: All Topics, Expressions, Hikaayat: Men|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In 571 BCE, the Ch’ang Sage, Lao Tze wrote the Tao te Ching, which is an extraordinary text dealing with the inward dimensions of man. His contemporary was the great statesman Confucious who wrote the

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